Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

DEI - Is there an Alternative?

In businesses, academia, and various organizations there’s been pushback and even reversals of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs.

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller


An Allegory may be a story, poem or picture that contains either a political, or moral message. The unknown artist of the ca. 1650 British painting Allegorical Painting of Two Ladies presents us with messages focusing on modesty, and on ethnic equality.

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

The Danger of Privileged Ignorance

I have family and friends, whom I dearly love, living in Florida. However, the overt and covert pronouncements of the state’s current governor have me, as the young folks say, ‘SMH!’

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller


There are those who argue that passing stronger gun control laws won’t work because criminals who commit gun violence won’t abide by the laws; stating innocent citizens will be the ones negatively impacted.

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

An Example of Systemic Racism

I have a favor to ask all of those involved in our educational system working and serving as teachers, counselors, social workers, community workers, and parents. If you have a love for your work and a passion for nurturing the children you are responsible for - hear me please.

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

A Woman’s Place: the Life of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

The seventeenth century scholar, philosopher, poet, playwright and painter Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, born Juana de Asbaje y Ramírez, de Santillana during Mexico’s colonial period, was, in a word: a trailblazer. Her birth date on November 12 in San Miguel Nepantla, Mexico has been listed as either in the year 1648, or 1651.

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

“To Mask or not to Mask”

When I get to heaven one of the things (I think 😃) I’m going to do after I’ve been worshipping the Lord, praising and dancing, is to lovingly call out Adam and Eve for choosing to eat from the Tree of Good and Evil.

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

“To Be or Not to Be… A Size 0”

Disclaimer: “I am not a size 0.” Currently, I am a size 14. This is not a ‘beat-down’ on those who are small-sized; this is simply my journey.

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