Juneteenth Ruminations: When “All” Doesn’t Mean All and Are We Going to Do Anything About it?

Juneteenth Celebration at Emancipation Park, Houston, TX 1880 (Public Domain)

Juneteenth Celebration at Emancipation Park, Houston, TX 1880 (Public Domain)

In response to the declaration, “Black Lives Matter,” some of my friends like to respond by saying, ‘All Lives Matter.’ The latter sounds morally correct and innocuous. The declaration has a noble ring to it: “All Lives Matter.” But, for me it rings hollow.

One recent example can be seen in the altercation between ‘Cooper and Cooper.’ In Central Park, when Amy Cooper felt put upon by Christian Cooper for asking her to leash her dog and then started recording her with his camera when she didn’t, she didn’t just threaten to call the police. She told Mr. Cooper if he didn’t stop recording her, she would call the police and tell them, “There’s an African American man threatening my life.” And as we now know, thanks to Mr. Cooper’s recording, she made good on her threat, calling 911 and first declaring, “I’m sorry. I’m in the Ramble and there’s a man, African American, he has a bicycle helmet. He is recording me and threatening me and my dog.” Then secondly, “There’s an African American man, I am in Central Park. He is recording me and threatening myself and my dog.” And lastly, with more agitation, “… I’m being threatened by a man in the Ramble. Please send the cops immediately.”

If this country’s socio-political culture was truly based on, and promoted the ideal of “All Lives Matter,” Ms. Cooper wouldn’t have thought of using Mr. Cooper’s ethnicity as her trump card to gain advantage in calling the police for help. But, ‘All Lives Matter.’

There’s something familiar about those three words “All Lives Matter.” Oh, I know - The Declaration of Independence! Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman - these five men penned this illustrious document! The second paragraph begins with these awe-inspiring words (emphasis mine): “WE hold these TRUTHS to be SELF-EVIDENT that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, that THEY ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.” WOW! Doesn’t the majesty of those words give you chills? I wonder how those words made the Native Americans feel. We’re all adults here, exactly, which men were Adams, Franklin, Livingston, Sherman and Jefferson referring to?

For those who may not have thought about it, the declaration ‘All Lives Matter’ reflects the historical hypocrisy exposed in “all men are created equal.” The Declaration of Independence was written in the late 18th century, 1776 to be exact. We being born in the 20th century remember from our history lessons in school that these inspiring words didn’t actually become TRUTH-in-practice (and honestly, are still being worked out) until individuals and groups of all ethnicities came together, held those in authority responsible and proactively advocated and fought (in a variety of ways) for social justice.

Honestly, ‘All Lives Matter’ can sound dismissive in this particular social context. It’s a subtle and covert way of maintaining the status-quo, “just leave things be.” It’s like saying, “Fuggedaboutit” or “Stay In Your Place.” It’s another way of saying: ‘Be Quiet.’ ‘Wait Your Turn.’ But, your turn never comes. Just like the declaration “all men are created equal,” ‘All Lives Matter’ conveniently ignores, denies, and dismisses the reality of both historic and current, institutionalized, systemic and sanctioned violence against BIPOC people. This is the reason why some (including me) find these three words insensitive and offensive.

‘All Lives Matter’ - Let’s ask Garrett Rolfe, George Zimmerman, let’s ask Derek Chauvin, Darren Wilson, Dylann Roof, Gregory and Travis McMichael, let’s ask those who’ve been lynching black men around the country, the list goes on; let’s ask them if they believe, “All Lives Matter.”

The declaration, “All Lives Matter,” it ignores, it denies and it dismisses the pain and horror that BIPOC Lives have been experiencing since time immemorial in the United States of America. ‘All Lives’ haven’t experienced being targeted and profiled solely because of their skin color. ’All Lives’ haven’t experienced the palpable pain of 12-year old Tamir Rice’s mother, 17-year old Trayvon Martin’s mother, 18-year old Michael Brown’s mother, and 25-year old Ahmaud Arbery’s mother finding out their sons are not coming home, because they’ve been shot and killed by individuals who were unconsciously, or consciously blinded to their children’s humanity.

Or, in the case of Breonna Taylor’s mother, finding out, possibly, when she said, “Good Night” to her daughter, it would be the last time because her daughter would be shot to death in her own bed while she was sleeping. (Side question: why were all of the body cameras worn by the police who broke into Ms. Taylor’s home not turned on?) ‘All Lives’ haven’t experienced the horror of requiring three surgeries after being beaten, brutalized and sexually assaulted by police like Abner Louima. ‘All Lives’ haven’t experienced being shot 41 times as you take out your wallet to identify yourself like Ammadou Diallo (41 times, yeah - he’s dead). ‘All Lives’ haven’t experienced ‘committing suicide’ by shooting yourself in the head while your hands are handcuffed behind your back like Chavis Carter.

‘All Lives’ haven’t had the experience of your face being pushed down in the street with your hands handcuffed behind your back, a knee on your neck pushing your life breath out as you call for your mother who died two years before and you on your way to meet her like George Floyd. ‘All Lives’ haven’t experienced being shot in the back and then kicked while you lie on the ground and have someone stand on your body as you slowly die like Rayshard Brooks. Not to mention, the brutal, domestic terrorist tactic of lynching, which is still going on in the present day, ’All Lives’ haven’t experienced that. Do 'All Lives' REALLY Matter'?

This hurts!!! This pain and horror is compounded by the killers, those who have taken LIVES, not being held accountable for their heinous actions. What does it say about the LIVES of those who were killed when their killers are walking around free, or, still working and getting a paycheck, as is the case with those who shot and killed Breonna Taylor? Does her life, and the lives of others killed have no value? Do they not matter? Say Their Names!

All Lives SHOULD Matter! ALL LIVES SHOULD MATTER! All Lives Should Matter! Scripturally we know All Lives Are Supposed to Matter! But, as we used to say in the church back in the day: “Tell the truth and shame the devil.” ‘All Lives Matter’ is not being manifested and its declaration has not brought forth change.

While, for whatever reasons, the declaration: “BLACK LIVES MATTER!” makes some of my friends uncomfortable, it rings true and brings needed and long, overdue attention to systemic, institutionalized and sanctioned ethnic injustice! The question is this: If we want “ALL LIVES" to matter what are WE going to do about it?

Happy Juneteenth...

Updated May 22, 2021


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