The Danger of Privileged Ignorance

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi: Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Mary Magdalene

I have family and friends, whom I dearly love, living in Florida. However, the overt and covert pronouncements of the state’s current governor have me, as the young folks say, ‘SMH!’  In the same vein as the fiasco in Tallahassee resulting from Michelangelo’s David being shone in a high school class (‘rabbit track’: read article on a Mississippi artist’s response; recently a Jacksonville,  FL high school principal prohibited his teachers from showing a painting of the Madonna and child in their class curricula. Reason being, he felt,  “the virgin didn’t look happy enough” and didn’t celebrate the joys of motherhood. His decision was celebrated and supported by the governor of Florida in a series of tweets.  The high school teacher who’d been using the painting in his art history class for several years prior, has since been dismissed from his position. 

The painting in question is a 15th century early Renaissance painting entitled Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Mary Magdalene by Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi.  I think I need to repeat that this work was created in the 15th century, 1495 to be exact.  Mary and the baby Jesus are in the center foreground. John the Baptist is portrayed as standing behind the baby, on the viewer’s left. Behind Mary, on the viewers’ right, stands a depiction of Mary Magdalene (whom the Florida governor stated, ‘..looks like a hooker.”)

Does the principal have a background in art history, you ask? NO! Did he understand or pay attention to the painting’s details and symbolism? Again ‘NO!’ Early Renaissance art is decidedly classical in nature and influenced by humanistic and individualistic thought.  The majority of European painters active during the 14th and 15th centuries brought this focus to their work in depicting representative forms of Biblical scenes and subjects.

In the painting, while the baby Jesus and his mother are the central figures, John the Baptist (as the forerunner of the Lord Jesus) is seen pointing to Him. Mary Magdalene is holding an urn symbolizing the alabaster box filled with perfume that was used to wash the Lord Jesus’ feet. Unfortunately due to the politicized climate in Florida, this particular principal felt comfortable enough in using the privilege of his position to express his shamelessly, uninformed opinion and make a fascist decree. (And people wonder why America is falling behind in education?)

To untrained 21st century eyes, 15th century works may appear ‘stiff. However, according to the period’s scholarship, painters’ sought (and were even commanded by certain wealthy patrons) to paint in what was considered a fashion that typified reference and the sanctity of the subject.

The realms of Art, History, indeed of Education are being eroded due to socio-political ignorance. It would be refreshing if the spirit of ‘Me-ism’ that is currently moving through society, including the church, was exposed for weakening our social fabric of coming together in unity and diversity.




