There are those who argue that passing stronger gun control laws won’t work because criminals who commit gun violence won’t abide by the laws; stating innocent citizens will be the ones negatively impacted. Observation: all of the shooters - criminals - who have massacred children, students, parents, adults going all the way back to Columbine up until now - were previously identified as ‘innocent law-abiding citizens!’ Only after committing their heinous acts and killing innocent people, after they had exercised their freedoms and privileged rights to purchase semi-automatic weapons, and in some cases posted and exposed their plans on various social media were these innocent, law-abiding American citizens identified as being criminals.

So what gives? Blame mental health issues - blame the “evilness of the times.” Buy more guns! That will stop the killing. Really? Do you really believe that? Thoughts & Prayers. Who are you praying to? And what directions are you being given? When the Lord Jesus prayed, He prayed for direction. He listened, was obedient and did as Abba God directed Him. Why is the idea of ‘gun-control so abhorrent? What feelings are stirred up, what images come to mind at the thought of having limited access to guns? Why is it so hard to let go? In America, are guns idolized more than real children, ‘pro-life,’ more than books?

Thoughts & Prayers.


The Danger of Privileged Ignorance


An Example of Systemic Racism