Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

Dialogue — A Way to Reconciliation

I live in the mid-Hudson Valley, technically “up North.” I often visit my mother who is currently living in a nearby nursing home. I used to have conversations with one of her co-residents, (I’ll call her Mrs. P).

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

“May We be Witnesses”

As one of the parents whose child participated in Beth Quinn’s book discussion of the new, beautifully illustrated version of “Little Black Sambo,” I weigh in on the side of those who don’t want to see the book, in its original context, republished in any form or fashion.

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

“Peanut Butter Triage”

For a bedtime snack after service one Sunday night, I fixed my then 5-year old son a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which he happily ate while sitting in the kitchen. I go to his room to get his Monday school clothes ready and hear him run from the kitchen. The next thing I hear – 'BAM!!! I run to the kitchen and find him lying on the floor with a mouth full of blood!

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

No need for new ‘Sambo’ book, however beautiful

As one of the parents whose child participated in Beth Quinn’s book discussion of the new, beautifully illustrated version of “Little Black Sambo,” I weigh in on the side of those who don’t want to see the book, in its original context, republished in any form or fashion.

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

“The Fruit of Perseverance”

Maybe that’s because, just when I seem to be catching my stride, a roadblock or detour appears. And in this particular season of my life, there are many detours and roadblocks on my path. Of course, I would be thrilled if they could all be removed – or immediately eradicated.

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Jonette O'Kelley Miller Jonette O'Kelley Miller

Dealing with being Misunderstood

Picture this: you're having your morning or evening devotional, or you're on your way to work, washing the dishes, on an afternoon jog – whatever, next thing you know, the still, small voice of God speaks to you and says: ------------!!!!!

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