“The Fruit of Perseverance”
Does it ever seem to you as if the time to fulfill God’s purpose for your life has passed – and you missed it? It does to me! Maybe that’s because, just when I seem to be catching my stride, a roadblock or detour appears. And in this particular season of my life, there are many detours and roadblocks on my path. Of course, I would be thrilled if they could all be removed – or immediately eradicated.
But I have learned that what Bishop Noel Jones said in one of his messages is true. “It’s not always God’s intention to change your situation, it’s His intention to change YOU.”
Jones shared an anecdote about a man pushing against a wall. The man asked the Lord to move the wall, but the Lord told the man to keep pushing. After much time had passed, the wall still hadn’t moved. The man complained to the Lord, who, in turn, told him to stop and look at himself. The man’s body had become much stronger than it was before. Though the wall hadn’t moved the man had – from weakness to strength.
When I heard this story, I received it as a confirmation that I was to rethink my own perspective on the obstacles before me.
At a point when I was feeling extremely frustrated by continuing “detours” – various pressures and tribulations I was facing – the Lord took me to John 16:33: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (NKJV). Through this verse, He reminded me that He has prevailed not only over everything coming against me but also over the entire world. Because of His victory, I should be at peace.
Then the Lord brought to my mind my former days as a dancer and reminded me of the way in which I would sometimes do floor and bar exercises with either 2.5- or 5-1b. weights on my ankles. The purpose of the weights was to strengthen, lengthen and reshape my leg muscles.
After several repetitions of an exercise, it was a challenge to maintain purity of form as I moved against the pull of gravity on the weights. I had to move slowly (in order to avoid injuring myself) – but in patient perseverance, there was a payoff. Once the weights were removed, I was able to jump and leap higher, I had more stamina, and my legs had greater definition.
The Lord showed me that if my mind truly had been renewed and transformed by His Word, then I wouldn’t dread facing life’s various pressures. Instead, knowing that in Him I already have the victory, I would use these pressures as weights with which to strengthen, lengthen and reshape my faith “muscles.” The end result would be the fruit of perseverance the apostle James wrote about – “[being] perfect and complete, lacking nothing” (James 1:4).
This is the result you can expect, too. Though it may seem as if something is always happening that takes you away from your destiny, rest assured that you are going to do what God has purposed for you to do, even if you have to spend time building up your faith muscles on the journey.
I’m still in the process of working through my life’s exercise routine; but, daily, my spiritual stamina is increasing and my strength is being renewed. So are yours. Next time you hit a wall, start pushing! God may not move the obstacle, but He’ll definitely move you.
Week of 8-25-03
This week exercise patient perseverance as you trust God for answers to prayers you diligently prayed through years.
POWER UP! www.spiritledwoman.com, Week of August 25, 2003.